Buy This Riviera Resort Property Now
Total cost for this property will be the price of $35,400.00 plus the approximate closing costs of $785.00 plus the annual dues on 0 points from the current year's allocation at $8.85 per point: $0.00. This grand total is $36,185.00.
Make a selection:
I will pay the asking price. I want to make an offer. I am not quite ready to buy. Have an agent contact me.
Choose closing title company: Jeffrey C. Sweet Attorney at Law: deposit must be paid by check, wired funds, or Zelle. Closing costs: $785.00DVC Title & Escrow: up to $7,500 of deposit may be paid via credit card, Venmo, or Paypal. Closing costs: $857.00First American Title Company: up to $2,000 of deposit may be put on credit card. Closing costs: $946.85
Financing? No Yes Financing MUST be applied for and approved before making an offer.Feel free to try:,, and I have been approved by and will be using the amount of $ for this purchase.
Enter Total Offer Price (annual points X offered price per point): $ I am willing to pay $ for closing costs. I am willing to pay $ for the dues on the 0 points from the current year's allocation.
Check to confirm:
My total cost for this property will be the price of $35,400.00 plus the approximate closing costs of $785.00 plus the annual dues on 0 points from the current year's allocation at $8.85 per point: $0.00. This grand total is $36,185.00.
I am ready to buy this property at this price today and understand that upon completion of this form a legally binding contract will be emailed to me for my signature. My spouse (if applicable) is in full agreement.
I am ready to buy this property at this price today and understand that upon completion of this form, if the seller accepts, a legally binding contract will be emailed to me for my signature. My spouse (if applicable) is in full agreement.
I am committed to sending a deposit for $3,540.00 (10% of the sales price) along with the signed contract within 5 days.
I am committed to sending a deposit for 10% of the sale price along with the signed contract within 5 days.
I understand that if another buyer agrees to purchase this property at the listed price with all normal associated costs before the seller accepts mine, my offer will automatically become a back up offer and an agent will notify me.
Complete form:
How many people will be on this purchase deed? They must be included now for the contract. Disney allows up to 4 people per deed. Each person must be available to sign all documents for buying, as well as for selling in the future. Each must be at least 18 years of age. 1 2 3 4
This address will be used by DVC By Resale, The Closing Agency and Disney Vacation Club to contact you.
At least one phone number is required.
The contract and further correspondence will be sent to this email address.
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Is there any additional information you would like us to know about this offer?
I understand that by submitting this information I am obligated and 100% committed to purchasing this property with all costs as detailed above.
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